Foreword Stefan Duerr EkoNiva News Edition No 69
27 October 2020 News from the Company
I am confident about our future
I often hear that young people nowadays are too pampered to live and work in a rural area. However, contrary to popular opinion, a large number of young people I have talked with are very enthusiastic about working in agriculture. These talented and dynamic young specialists are not afraid of challenges and are ready to develop the Russian farming sector! For over 10 years, we have been cooperating with agricultural universities, technical schools and colleges arranging annual internships for students. Last year, over 1.5 thousand young people from 31 educational institutions underwent practical training on our farms. The students are happy to work not only in the central regions but also in Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

These are usually very determined boys and girls who want to achieve something in their lives, find their own way and carve out a successful career. If I became a twentysomething again, I would choose a job at a developing enterprise. Of course, working at a newly established farming operation is more challenging because you have to set up all the processes from scratch but on the other hand, you are driven to learn a lot and develop your career.
Many former interns later come back to work on our farms as full-time employees. They value the chance to master their profession, take independent decisions and responsibility for them. They are not afraid to make a mistake. One of the essential components of our corporate culture is the right to error. I believe that without making mistakes, one will never learn to do things the right way.
Certainly, young people need an interesting job and a competitive salary. However, for 20-year-olds to settle down in a rural area and start a family, the living conditions and infrastructure must be as good as in the city. A decent school, a kindergarten, a local community centre and a modern hospital are indispensable to make the village attractive for yesterday’s graduates. In this case, the village will not disappear like, for example, in Argentina, where people come to work on farms from the city on a rotational basis. This is not our way! Throughout centuries, Russian villages have been the pillars of tradition and stability. Young people will help to develop rural areas making them stronger and turning them into a comfortable place to work and live in.
When I look at our youth, I feel confident about our future! We just need to help and guide them, create an environment where they can fulfil their potential, and they will achieve outstanding success! This year, specialists have a unique opportunity to find an exciting job and move to a picturesque area located in Maslyanino district, Novosibirsk oblast. The area resembles of the foothills of the Alps. It is a true paradise for those who enjoy hunting, rafting and mountain skiing! EkoNiva has chosen this amazing place to build a large cheese plant with the processing capacity of 1,150 tonnes of milk per day. The construction of the plant is already underway. It will be a progressive facility providing exceptional career opportunities for dairy processing specialists and cheesemakers. From 3 October until 6 October, the company is going to arrange a youth camp near the plant. Everyone can come and see what life and work at this beautiful place are like. Meanwhile, at the end of October, we are looking forward to welcoming aboard new colleagues!
If you are burning with enthusiasm, value a corporate spirit and are eager to express yourself and find your way in life, join our team and you will never regret your choice!
Stefan DUERR, President of EkoNiva Group